Thursday, May 5, 2011


I have gotten back into Magic: The Gathering recently and realized how much I missed it. M:TG includes strategy (playing the right cards at the right time), resource allocation (tap that mana!), and weighing pros and cons (block and die or counter attack?). (And yes, I am proud of being a Nerd. I have been one my whole life and that probably won't change any time soon.)

I have gotten some flack from people I know about the game, but I don't understand it. People generalize and think that we dress up and act as wizards, but in reality, we drink beer and eat indian food or burritos as we play (and occasionally make nerdy jokes about "tapping" our beer glasses for "mana"). Why do people make fun of a game (and the players of it) like M:TG. Perhaps their childhood wasn't as good as mine. Who knows?

M:TG doesn't only entertain me, it reminds me a time where things were a lot more simple. I would play for hours on snow-days with my friends and family. I didn't have to worry about work the next day, or how to make sure my wife is happy. I could just play and worry about the 6/6 flying Hellkite Dragon that my enemy had lined up against me and how I was going to have to block it.

I don't think I ever was one of those kids who thought, "Man, I can't wait to grow up!" (perhaps I was, and my memory is deluding me).

No, I was pretty content being a child, knowing that my elders would supply the food for me and wash my clothes. That my biggest responsibility was getting my homework done (yeah...about that) or making sure I caught the bus on time. That I could spend 8 hours of my day asleep, 8 at school, and the rest generally doing what I wanted. Life and responsibility come to everyone in time (the alternative is not a great option).

But I don't want to be one of those adults that thinks, "Life was so much better as a kid." It was certainly easier, but not better. I have a wife now, who I adore more than anything (although if she keeps making fun of M:TG, we'll see how long that lasts). I have a good job in a field that I enjoy. I am able to travel, which I didn't do overly much as a kid. I have a cat, who is perhaps the dumbest thing alive, but still manages to be loved.

And I know who I am way more than I ever did when I was younger. I am a nerdy, game playing, math and science fact knowing kid at heart.