Saturday, August 29, 2009

A well planned engagement

Recently, Lily and I got engaged. She was completely surprised, which is the only way to do a proposal.

I took her to a very nice dinner at Bella Trattoria. We have been there before and we were very impressed. They home make all of their pasta and gnocchi, which is the only gnocchi I have ever liked. They are super friendly and we, once again, got free dessert!

After that, we headed to the Sundance Theaters to go watch a movie. Inglourious Basterds. I know, not very romantic, but if I had taken her to go see the Time Traveler's Wife, she would have known something was up. It turns out the movie was sold out anyways, so we couldn't go see it there. We decided to head to Daly City to check it out there, but I told her there was something that I wanted to show her downtown before we went to the movie.

I took her to the Palace of Fine Arts:

We walked around and were nearly the only ones there. The timing couldn't have been better. As the only other couple left the area right underneath the dome, Lily was looking up at it and slowly spinning around to look at the view, I went down on one knee and as she finished her turn, I waited just a second and asked her the question. It was a response of shock (that's what I will tell myself anyways). But she said yes. We held each other for a little bit and then got her out of the cold.

We decided that we were going to not go see the movie after all. But, I wasn't thinking, so we ended up driving there anyways and decided to see the movie.

It was a great night. I couldn't have been happier with the way the night turned out. plan a wedding.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A new blog, a new post♦

I have decided to update my blog. I haven't done it in quite some time, but I really though that it was time.

For those that don't know, I have moved out to San Francisco after a long journey from Thailand to the Philippines to the Appalachian Trail. It was a great journey, but for now, I must settle down a little bit and figure out where I want to take my life.

Lily and I moved into a nice apartment together in the very southern part of SF and we love it here. We have 4 roommates. Kara, a children's fashion designer and also a baker (which I enjoy). Nate, a food nut and warhammer player. Curtis, a video gamer and programmer. And Navid, a project managing powerlifter. All in all a good group. We have a great big apartment (a whole floor of a building) where we all like to cook and eat.

There is also Kitty.

I have gotten a few jobs since being out here. My first was working marketing for a appliance company. The job was fun at first, but I felt like it was draining the life out of me. I had to work both weekend days and it was a 1-2 hour drive to get where I was going. I never want to commute that long again.

I also got a job as a swimming instructor at Anderson Swim and Scuba. I love it there. I get to teach all sorts of kids from age 3 to 17 how to get comfortable in the water all the way up to competitive strokes. Its a lot of fun and the kids are (mostly) great.

Most recently, I got a job as a warehouse manager for Forgotten Shanghai. They do imported "antique" furniture and silks from Hong Kong. It is a good job because I get to do a lot of organizing and shipping which I miss from my Best Buy days.

Lily has been posting about some of our vacations out here. Check out her blog to get more info on that.