Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A new blog, a new post♦

I have decided to update my blog. I haven't done it in quite some time, but I really though that it was time.

For those that don't know, I have moved out to San Francisco after a long journey from Thailand to the Philippines to the Appalachian Trail. It was a great journey, but for now, I must settle down a little bit and figure out where I want to take my life.

Lily and I moved into a nice apartment together in the very southern part of SF and we love it here. We have 4 roommates. Kara, a children's fashion designer and also a baker (which I enjoy). Nate, a food nut and warhammer player. Curtis, a video gamer and programmer. And Navid, a project managing powerlifter. All in all a good group. We have a great big apartment (a whole floor of a building) where we all like to cook and eat.

There is also Kitty.

I have gotten a few jobs since being out here. My first was working marketing for a appliance company. The job was fun at first, but I felt like it was draining the life out of me. I had to work both weekend days and it was a 1-2 hour drive to get where I was going. I never want to commute that long again.

I also got a job as a swimming instructor at Anderson Swim and Scuba. I love it there. I get to teach all sorts of kids from age 3 to 17 how to get comfortable in the water all the way up to competitive strokes. Its a lot of fun and the kids are (mostly) great.

Most recently, I got a job as a warehouse manager for Forgotten Shanghai. They do imported "antique" furniture and silks from Hong Kong. It is a good job because I get to do a lot of organizing and shipping which I miss from my Best Buy days.

Lily has been posting about some of our vacations out here. Check out her blog to get more info on that.